Sunday, 22 November 2009


London Launch invited the other interns and I to a PR, events and advertising networking social in Canary Wharf's Ice Rink on monday 16th November. So we all panicked as none of us had business cards. So in a mad rush, just after work, we printed our designs and cards with details on it.

For my card, I wanted something memorable as desperation for a job is increasing I put my picture on the front of my card.  Yes the screaming pic that is on my twitter and blog. My boyfriends written a blog post about it it's called "Brand me like that" have a look!

Anyway this is what it ended up looking like:

On the journey there we quickly trying to cut them out on the's Laura attempting hers! God knows what people thought when we handed them badly trimmed business cards lol.

So we met lots of lovely people, and got a little bit tipsy as there was a lot of martini's flowing, and I was so hungry so I was drinking them mainly to get to the olive at the bottom ha! I met a guy who owns an event company called Masqurade, I ended up giving him my business card and he looked at the picture and said "O my god, I already know who you are, I follow you on Twitter!" Well I felt like a celebrity and was hugely flattered, so now i'm very much praising twitter. If you want people to know who you are get on twitter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You felt like a 'celebrity'... don't you mean you felt like a 'zelebrity'.

    I love that you were cutting them up on the train! Very funny!
